It gives me great joy to hear others who embrace the Christian faith share their adoption testimonies. I am Jody, a reunited adoptee for close to 20 years with birth sisters. I have facilitated adoption triad support groups in the Midwest- ( IL and IN ) for 18 years. I was fortunate to be raised in a loving adoptive home and my adoptive mom became a Christian when I was 10 years old. She has been a beautiful mentor and encouraged me by her example of love, prayers and her servants heart for others. She is now almost 92 years old and I have had the privilege to move with my husband and son to her town in FL this past year. God’s Word has encouraged and sustained me through the questions, doubts and forging my dual identity as an adopted person with adoptive and birth families. There have been difficult emotional times- especially in times of great change, geographical moves and parenting my children, but God has been faithful and blessed me even through those rough passages. A beautiful verse of scripture that God gave to me in a quiet time decades ago was from the book of John in the Bible. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. Navigating and finding my birth and adoption story, meeting birth family and gathering the missing pieces of my adopted life have filled in the blank chapters of my earliest days and heritage. And that experience has only strengthened my identity in God, the Lord Jesus Christ. God is my First Father and the only one who has been with me in my conception, my secret life in the womb, at the day of my birth, through my relinquishment to foster care and adoption, and been the sole person with me each and every day of my adoption journey. And His promises assure me that I will live forever with him in eternity- what a loving and faithful Father, Shepherd and Savior! I praise Him for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Praise His Name! Please share your experience, God’s Fingerprints in your journey or a favorite scripture that has resonated with you in your life as one touched by adoption. Blessings and hope to hear from some of you! Jody
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