While facilitating adoption triad support groups the past 20 years, I have listened to many fellow adoptee's share their innermost thoughts and feelings. Sadly, a good number of them struggle with their earliest life narrative and their interpretation of being relinquished by their birth parents. At one time, I also wrestled with the confusion of not knowing why I had been placed for adoption until I learned the truth. Regardless of whether or not adoptees felt loved and cherished by their adoptive parents or not, the sting of not being kept resonates within some adoptees and may negatively impact their identity and feelings of worth. The beauty of adoptees being in face to face connection with birth parents in support group meetings is the opportunity they have to hear birth mothers and birth fathers share about the challenges and insurmountable circumstances that blocked their ability to parent. And hearing many birth parents express their feelings of love and remorse and longing for their child often helps adoptees rewrite their emotional scripts. Error is replaced with truth that can bring resolution and closure to their missing life history.
What I have discovered in my own adoptee journey is the precious truth that God chose me before the foundations of the world and had a plan and special purpose for my life. Just like the adoptees Moses and Esther in the scriptures, adoption became a detour God allowed in my life to mold me and make me into the unique person that I am today. He designed my features to mirror the image of my birth parents who gave me birth and brought me to life. And he provided a specific family to raise me and equip me to adulthood. And I have the privilege, by faith to embrace all the gifts bestowed on me by my birth and adoptive parents and mature into everything God created me for and wants me to be. And that is all because of God's Marvelous Grace. ( Copyright 2015. Jody Moreen )
Permission needed to reprint this piece in part or full in any media in print or online format. Contact Jody Moreen. Jody Moreen ( the at sign ) gmail,com
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