Coffee's on 24/7

Coffee's on 24/7

Friday, February 20, 2015

Adoptees are Created, Chosen, Cherished and Celebrated by a Loving God-( Part 1 )

God's love letter, the Bible, shares with us God's love for us in creating us for fellowship with Himself and others. In Genesis we read of the beauty of Gods creation in a world that was formless, empty and void. In the scriptures we read that we were Created by the triune God and made in His image. We were Chosen in Him before the foundations of the world. He has Celebrated His love for us each and everyday with the rising and setting of the sun. He has made provisions for all our needs. We are Cherished by our first and forever Father and He longs for intimate fellowship with us now and for eternity. What wonderful truths are found in God's Holy Word! 
   But the scriptures also tell us that we were born into a fallen world- a world where God gave man free-will and choice and clear instructions, commandments and warnings to follow. But sadly man did not listen or obey God but chose to be his own god and followed his own selfish will. Man forgot God's laws and commandments as He was enticed by sin. Adam and Eve rebelled and did not follow the clear instructions God gave them in His perfect garden. They willfully disobeyed and sin entered the world. Adam and Eve listened to their adversary Satan who tempted, seduced and cast doubt in their minds over the truths God had told them. They tried to hide and cover for their sins but no one is able to hide from the eyes of an all-seeing Almighty God. And there is nothing within man that can blot out the ugly stain of our sins. But God so loved man. He foreknew that man would sin and He lovingly provided Jesus the only perfect sinless sacrifice to die in man's place. God freely offered man salvation if man chose to believe Him and make Jesus Lord of his life.
Our adversary Satan is still about the business of lying and casting doubt on God's Truth for He is the Father of Lies. And we are given the freedom and responsibility to discern and respond to God's truth or fall into the trap and enticement of sin that our adversary sets for us. We have that choice. 
As adoptees we are fully aware that our birth parents could not keep us or parent us due to choices they made and/or unfortunate circumstances they found themselves in. They had to relinquish their parental rights which opened the door for us to be adopted or fostered or placed in homes of other caregivers. For some of us this separation and loss created a vulnerability in our lives, a kind of wound or trauma that opened the door for us to believe Satan's lies and doubt the love of God for us.  Regardless of whether we were placed in loving adoptive families or not, many of us were impacted by the pain of our first significant loss. And our adversary Satan lost no time and seized the opportunity, just as he did with Adam and Eve to lie to us by telling us falsehoods about our birth parents and their feelings for us and casting doubt in our minds about God's love for us. But we were born as innocent children made in the image of God and He sees us as beautiful and precious and priceless. The circumstances of our birth and our birth parents actions or choices do not dictate our value or worth. Only God, our Creator has the right to that assignment, and He looked at all He created and said that it was good. Sadly some of us have been snared by Satan's trap and believed those devastating lies of our adversary and lived in light of their falsehood. Some of us have forgotten who made us, who we are and whose we are - God's precious, priceless children. We have an amazing heritage and a perfect heavenly Father!(Copyright 2015- Jody Moreen) Permission  is needed to reprint this piece in part or full in any media form- in print or online, 

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